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Хасан Оби Ван бин Васечкин

Хасан Оби Ван бин Васечкин торговец разным товаром, дорого и почти за даром! Он торговец честной, но и нагреть может ой-ой..

Хасан предпочитает вести широкий многокомпанентный бизнес. Его обширные, энциклопедические знания позволяют вести торговые операции с далекими странами и отправлять туда караваны получая отличный барыш. Способность изучать свой персонал (Creature Loresight) приводит к тому, что на него работают исключительно преданные и верные люди.

Хасан предпочитает специализировать на экзотических и волшебных товарах, привозимых им издалека. При этом он отдельно содержит отдел старьевщиков. Обороты денег не высоки, но среди старья могут попадатся вещи исключительной ценности, или же вещи, которые можно выдать за таковые.

Хасан никогда не гнушается впарить покупелю левый товар, использую при этом способность Object Loresight (С демонстрацией узнаных предметов!) и развитые Bluff и Диполоматию. В защите своей жизни Хасан полагается на свои таланты по борьбе с попытками его осюрпризить и браслет Друзей.

LoreSong Faen, 10th level. Created on base Arcana Unearthed, alternative player handbook of Monte Cook

Str 12 -2   10 -
Dex 12     12 +1
Con 14     14 +2
Int 16 2 2 20 +5
Wis 14     14 +2
Cha 14     14 +2

BAB +7, AC =17(+1 dex, +1 size, +1 ring, +4 armor), HP=6+9d6+20 (55), Ref Save +6, Fort Save +7, Will Save +11 Initiative +5

Хасан Оби Ван бин Васечкин способен владеть всеми видами простого и военного оружия, а также всеми видами доспехов и щитов.

Классовые способности:

Skill Memory +4 (5 x День) - Akashics can reach into the collective memory and gain insight into a needed skill—even one in which the character has no ranks and cannot use untrained. After a full round of concentration, the akashic gains a +4 bonus to a single skill check attempt made the next round.

Perfect Recall - akashics have honed their own memory. To any Knowledge skill check that they make without using skill memory (thus relying on their own memory), they add their Intelligence bonus, if any, to the skill bonus again.

Delve into Collective Memory - An akashic may make a special check with a bonus equal to his level + his Intelligence
modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. This takes 10 minutes and can be attempted once per day per class level.

Сreature Loresight 5 x День - По описанию заклинания. См. ниже.

Learn Secret 1 x День - По описанию заклинания. См. ниже.

Object Loresight 5 x День- По описанию заклинания. См. ниже.

Tongues 1 x День - По описанию заклинания.

Lesser Delve into Personal Memory 1 x День - An akashic can mentally probe the memory of one other creature within 25 feet. The akashic mentally forms a question the creature can answer with a single word. No shared language is needed, nor does it matter whether the creature is conscious or aware. The creature can make a Will save (DC 10 + half class level + the akashic’s Charisma modifier). If the creature fails its save, the akashic gains the answer as if the creature mentally answered the question as truthfully as possible. In any event, the creature does not know the akashic made the attempt. A character can use this ability once per day as a standard action.

Modify Memory 1 x День - По описанию заклинания. См. ниже.

Truename - Все персонажи созданные согласно AU могут иметь Истинное Имя. Оно и благо и худо, но суть в том что все имеют на 1 фит на старте больше.


The Voice [Talent]
You have not only a way with words, but an almost supernaturally compelling voice.
Prerequisite: Character level 1st only
Benefit: The character gains a +1 competence bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks, and a +2 competence bonus on all Perform (storytelling) checks.

Intuitive Sense [Ceremonial]
You participate in a ritual requiring you to spend 24 hours alone in a dark, incense-filled room, while at least one other person stands outside chanting. Afterward, you are difficult to surprise.
Prerequisite: Truename
Benefit: Thanks to the character’s uncanny sense of danger, she does not lose her Dexterity bonus to Armor Class when flat footed or attacked by an invisible or unknown opponent. She is always considered “aware” of all incoming attacks for purposes of Dexterity and dodge bonuses to Armor Class.

Sense the Unseen [Ceremonial]
As the result of a ceremony involving you and at least three other people, one of whom is blind, your intuition helps you find normally invisible things.
Prerequisite: Truename
Benefit: In melee, every time the character misses because of concealment, she can reroll the miss chance percentile roll once to see whether she actually hit.
In addition, an invisible attacker gets no bonus to hit a character with this feat in melee. That is, the character doesn’t lose her Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus. The invisible attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however.
Finally, the character suffers only half the usual penalty to speed for being unable to see. Darkness and poor visibility in general reduce the character’s speed to three-quarters of normal, instead of one-half.

Improved Initiative [General]
Your intuition allows you to get the jump on foes.
Benefit: The character gets a +4 bonus on initiative checks

Slippery Mind [Ceremonial]
Once you complete a ritual with 10 other people involving clouds of incense, you become difficult to enchant.
Prerequisite: Truename
Benefit: If a character becomes the target of an enchantment and fails the saving throw, she can attempt the save again 1 round later. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed.

Навыки: Акашик имеет (8+Инт) скил поинтов в базе. Данный персонаж имеет 169 скил поинтов

Ранги Характеристики Бонусы От чего? Итого:
Alchemy 1 5 0   6
Appraise 13 5   18
Balance 1   1
Bluff 13 2 5 the voice+circ 20
Climb 0   0
Concentration 2   2
Craft 5   5
Decipher Script 1 5   6
Diplomacy 10 2 8 syn+feat+circ 20
Disable Device 5   5
Disguise 1 2 3 circ 6
Escape Artist 1 1   2
Forgery 10 5   15
Gather Information 5 2 4 the voice+circ 11
Handle Animal 2   2
Heal 2   2
Innuendo 2   2
Intimidate 5 2 5 syn+circ 12
Intuit Direction 2   2
Jump 0   0
(Architecture) 1 5 5 Perfect Recall 11
(Ceremony) 1 5 5 Perfect Recall 11
(Cosmology) 1 5 5 Perfect Recall 11
(Dangerous Beasts) 5 5 5 Perfect Recall 15
(Engineering) 1 5 5 Perfect Recall 11
(Geography) 5 5 5 Perfect Recall 15
(History) 5 5 5 Perfect Recall 15
(Magic) 5 5 5 Perfect Recall 15
(Nature) 5 5 5 Perfect Recall 15
(Nobility and Courtesy) 5 5 5 Perfect Recall 15
(Religion) 5 5 5 Perfect Recall 15
(Runes) 1 5 5 Perfect Recall 11
(Sailing and Navigation) 1 5 5 Perfect Recall 11
(Science) 1 5 5 Perfect Recall 11
Listen 5 2   7
Open Lock 1   1
Perform (Storytelling) 5 2 5 the voice+circ 12
Ride 2   2
Search 5 5   10
Sense Motive 13 2   15
Sleight of Hand 0 1 2 synergy 3
Sneak 6 1 6 race 13
Speak Language   0
Spellcraft 10 5 2   17
Spot 12 2   14
Swim 0   0
Tumble 1   1
Use Magic Device 10 2 3 circlet 15
Use Rope 1   1
Wilderness Survival 1 2   3


Амуниция: AU - Альтернативная книга игрока, в ней нет магических предметов, но есть прямое указание на DMG, что я и сделал

Bracelet of Friends 19000
Brooch of Shielding 1500
Circlet of Persuasion: (+3 cha skills) 4500
Cloak of Resistance +2 4000
Dust of Appearance 1800
Dust of Disappearance 3500
Glove of Storing 10000
Ring of protection +1 2000
Mithral shirt 1100
Богатые одежды, посох и аксессуры 893
Wand of Detect Magic 375
Silver Dagger, Masterwork 332


Creature Loresight
Divination [Psionic]
Level: 1 (Complex)
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature or corpse
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You learn something significant about a creature (living or dead) that you touch. Go through this list, in order—the first bit of lore you do not know, you learn through this spell:
1. Creature’s race or type
2. Creature’s name (if none, then skip)
3. Creature’s class (if none, then skip)
4. How the creature died (if not applicable, skip)
5. Creature’s most recent, basic goal (obtain food, carry out the orders of its superior, get some sleep, etc.)
6. Creature’s attitude toward you
7. Creature that this creature interacted with most recently (other than you)
8. Creature’s most valuable possession, if any
9. Location of the creature’s home or lair, if any
10. Creature’s current thoughts
Multiple castings allow you to gain multiple bits of information. If you know all of the above information, this spell teaches you nothing.

Modify Memory
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind- Affecting, Psionic]
Level: 4 (Complex)
Casting Time: Standard action (see text)
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You reach into the target’s mind and modify up to five minutes of her memory in
one of the following ways:
1. Eliminate all memory of an event the target actually experienced. This spell cannot negate spells that affect the
subject’s mind.
2. Allow the target to recall with perfect clarity an event she actually experienced.
3. Change the details of an event the target actually experienced.
4. Implant a memory of an event the target never experienced.
Casting the spell takes a standard action.
If the target fails to save, you proceed with the spell by spending up to five minutes (aperiod of time equal to the amount of memory time you want to modify) visualizing the memory you wish to modify in the target. If anything disturbs your concentration before the visualization is complete, or if the subject ever moves beyond the spell’s range
during this time, the spell is lost.
A modified memory does not necessarily affect the target’s actions, particularly if it contradicts her natural inclinations. The target may dismiss an illogical modified memory as a bad dream or a memory muddied by too much wine. More useful applications of modify memory include implanting memories of friendly encounters with you (inclining the target to act favorably toward you), changing the details of a superior’s orders to the target, or causing the target to forget she ever saw you or your party. The DM reserves the right to decide whether a modified memory seems too nonsensical
to affect the target significantly.

Learn Secret (Lesser)
Level: 1 (Exotic)
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One object
Duration: 1 round/level or until triggered
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell is based on the idea that, just as creatures have truenames, objects have special, unique secrets impossible to learn by simple inspection and difficult to describe with common language. When you cast this spell, you learn a minor secret of one object. This secret allows you to intuitively know a way to use the object more effectively. The next time you attempt to use the object (if the duration of the spell continues) you gain a +5 insight bonus.
Normally, this bonus applies to a standard use of the item—the secret of a lockpick allows the caster to use it to pick a lock better, for instance. The secret of a battleaxe allows the caster to strike with it more accurately in combat. Sometimes, however, the bonus applies to attempts to overcome forces seeking to prevent you from using the object. For example, the insight bonus could apply to an attempt to force open a barred door.
Only you gain the bonus, no matter how hard you may attempt to communicate the secret to another. Once used, the fleeting, esoteric nature of the secret is forgotten. It is impossible to record the secret in any way.
The insight bonus applies only to rolls you make, so it is never a bonus to Armor Class.

Object Loresight
Divination [Psionic]
Level: 1 (Complex)
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You learn something significant about an object you touch. Go through this list, in order; the first bit of lore you do not know, you learn through this spell:
1. Age of object
2. Name of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you)
3. Race of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you)
4. Name of the object’s creator (a natural object, like a rock, was created by nature)
5. Race of the object’s creator, if any
6. Object’s purpose
7. Material(s) that makes up the object
8. Location of the object’s creation
9. Name of the most recent owner of the object, if any
10. Magical ability of the object, if any (random if more than one)
Multiple castings allow you to gain multiple bits of information. If you know all of the above information, this spell teaches you nothing.

Faen (Loresong) Racial Traits
• Loresong faen receive a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence and a –2 racial penalty to Strength.
• Small: Because they are Small creatures, all faen gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class and attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus to all Sneak checks. They must use smaller-sized weapons and equipment, and can lift and carry only threequarters as much as a Medium character.
• Faen are light-footed and quiet when they wish to be, earning them a +2 racial bonus on Sneak checks.
• Faen base speed is 20 feet.
• Loresong faen have an affinity for magic, which grants them a +2 racial bonus to Spellcraft.
• Innate Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day— detect magic, ghost sound, and lesser glowglobe. Use the loresong faen’s character level as the caster level.
• Low-Light Vision: Faen can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of
poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

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